My name is Maximillian Abeja, or Max for short. From an early age, I was bilingual in Polish and English, my parents having settled in Scotland after World War II. Later, I took four years of Latin, French, English, History, Mathematics and Science, and went on to study Biochemistry at St. Andrews University. Argentine Tango awaited me in the distant future.
I translated three years of postgraduate research in protein and cell separation at Edinburgh University into a NASA-funded SkyLab project at the University of Arizona, a fellowship at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, a doctoral degree in Physiology and Biophysics from the University of Alabama in Birmingham, and faculty positions at the University of California, Los Angeles and most recently at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston.
Along the way, I played bass guitar in a rock band, traveled through Europe and the Middle East, lived for a year on an Israeli kibbutz, performed in a modern dance troupe, and published extensively in the fields of electrophoresis, immunology, gastric physiology, cell biology, and microbiology. Abiding interests and activities were skiing, sailing, scuba diving, and always chess. For a while, Argentine Tango exerted its grip, and I have tried to capture its essence on this TangoDreamer website. Enjoy!